Thursday 22 November 2012

Buy Titan Watches in India

A Titan watch has been always a prized possession for every one around. Be it a school kid or a house wife or a girlfriend or any Indian, the brand has lured the people for two decades. The style has fascinated the customers so much that now 8 different categories are introduced for Titan watches in India. The categories comprise of Titan Raga-exclusive for women, Titan Regalia-exclusive for men silver and gold plated, Titan Steel watches- for informal wear, Titan Bandhan- exclusive to be gifted in pair, Titan Sonata- Exclusive for corporate gifts, Titan Fast Track-designed  for younger generation, Titan Edge-the excellent combination of style and technology –exclusive slim watches.
The Titan Watches categories speak the inclination to precision. The volumes have made them so popular that now their dedication to excellence has stretched world-wide, that is, 32 countries all around the world. The watch prices in India for men, women and air in all collections range from Rs.320 to Rs.17, 000. But when you mention Titan Watches, the price is given second preference as the style is what matters for a Titan watch owner.


  1. Title is one of the leading brand in India but people are fashion and technology conscious and they need a days mobile watch phone technology is the widely demanded in market.
    Mobile Watch Phone

  2. I have heard all these categories and also try some of them. The narrow strips of Titan are well-liked by me in style and also in budget.

    buy titan watches india
